It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 26/9/16


It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Book Date .This meme is a great opportunity for book bloggers to showcase their ‘book-ish’ habits for the week. It is a good forum to share books read in the past week, current reads and upcoming reads. It is also a fantastic way to connect with fellow bookworms and add some books to your reading wishlist. Thanks for hosting Book Date!

I’m excited as the school holidays have finally arrived! That *hopefully* means some sleep ins, much-needed down time and the all important time to catch up on my reading. Already it has been going well on the review front, I have published two reviews and I have another two waiting in the wings. On the weekend I also attended a fantastic annual book sale held by the charity Save the Children. It is a great way to stock up on my reading material, while also supporting a great cause.

On the reading front this week I finished three books. The first was Goodwood by Holly Throsby, which was a review copy for The Reading Room. I am hoping to gather my thoughts and have a review up soon for this one. Please check back if you are interested in this one. I also reviewed a book for the kind people at Beauty and Lace Book Club,  Jewel Sea by Kim Kelly. This review went up this morning, if you would like to read it, click here.I also finished a novel at the request of an author who contacted my bog directly (my first!) Madeline House by Maggie Christensen was a great read. My review for this novel will go live tomorrow. I also reviewed The Trap by German writer Melanie Raabe on Friday. If you appreciate cleverly crafted thrillers then this might be right up your alley, you can read my review here.

I have so many great books to read on my TBR shelf, I think it’s going to be a great holiday break. Despite it being spring, the cooler weather here in Perth, Western Australia, means more time reading indoors, which I don’t mind at all! I hope you all have a great reading week. If you have any thoughts on my books this week I would love to hear from you!

What I read last week:

goodwood  (ARC from The Reading Room/Allen & Unwin)

jewel-sea (Review copy for Beauty and Lace Book Club)

madeline-house-cover-medium-web-e1465257241576 (Review request from author)

What I am currently reading:

peppercorn (From my personal TBR pile)

What I plan to read next:

small-great (ARC from The Reading Room/Allen & Unwin)

Best wishes on your reading journey this week and thanks for stopping by 🙂 Mrs B






20 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 26/9/16

  1. I enjoyed the one Nicki Edwards book I read. Hope you like the one you are reading. I think I’ll want to read the Picoult one too. We have our big annual second hand book fair that raises money in October, I Love it!!


    1. I’m glad to here you enjoyed the Nicki Edwards book you read. I am loving The Peppercorn :Project so far.
      Great to hear you have a second hand book sale headed your way soon too, they are fun!
      Enjoy the new Picoult book if you get to it too!
      Have a lovely week Kathryn.
      Amanda 🙂


    1. Hi Deb, I am glad to hear we have some books in common. I will have to check back to hear your thoughts.
      I think Goodwood is due to be published on 28th September according to book retailers such as Booktopia. I have had it for awhile, I must get on and write my review!


  2. Hope you enjoy holiday and lots of good reads also! Goodwood looks interesting, not sure what that one’s about but the cover is intriguing. Have a fantastic week!


    1. Hi Greg, thanks for the holiday wishes! I’m glad to hear Good wood has caught your eye. It’s a great small town fiction book with a distinct Aussie flavour. I do love the cover too, very intriguing looking.
      I hope you too have a great week – happy reading!


    1. Hi Mareli, I hope you are well and thanks for coming by my blog this week. I think Small Great Things is making the rounds the closer it gets to a release date! I hope you manage to get to it. I am a long standing fan of Picoult’s. I always look forward to a new book being released. Enjoy your holiday and I hope you manage to read lots! Thanks for the holiday break wishes too.


    1. Small Great Things does appear to be the flavour of the month. I’m pretty excited as it seems awhile since Picoult last brought a book out. Thanks for the holiday reading wishes and for stopping by.
      I hope you are having a fantastic week!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Laurel, thanks for stopping by my blog this week. I hope you too enjoy Small Great Things. I am so looking forward to getting into it, as it seems like a long time between books for Jodi Picoult. I will have to stop by your blog to hear your thoughts on it.
      Have a lovely week and happy reading 🙂


  3. It sounds like you’re having a great time at the moment – especially on the book front! Lots read, lots reviewed. I’m looking forward to reading Jodi Picoult’s newest book; she always has such thought provoking reads.

    I hope you have a great week, with much resting and lie ins!


  4. Hi Amanda, I can see why you have an overfilled bookshelf – I bet you found some fantastic books at your annual book sale! I love buying books when you’re not just buying something for yourself but helping a good cause as well.
    Behind where I live are the basketball courts and stadium and twice a year the Lifeline Big Book Fair is held there over 3 days. It’s a wonderful chance for book lovers to get together and also help a great cause. Everything is put in alphabetical order by author and set out in genres and there’s also another huge room where you can find biographies, memoirs, true life and cooking books, history books, health, you name it it’s there. I’m always gobsmacked how many newly released Australian rural romance/contemporary romance books are out on the tables, I pretty much buy every one of them as I love collecting Aussie authors books. And their brand new, not a mark on them, who can resist!

    I’ve read all your reviews you’ve listed and they’re also going on my TBR list. Can you stop reading so many great books, Amanda? So I can catch up, please. LOL!

    I love Nicki Edwards’ books. I’ve read the first two will read the third one in the series soon. I’ve yet to buy The Peppercorn Project – I’m hoping I spot it at the Book Fair next weekend if not I’ll head straight to the shop to buy it. I’ve got a couple of Jodi Picoult’s books on my shelf but not this one.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sue, you got in one – I have two overfilled bookshelves at present! I just a moved a few books I wanted to keep – special books, signed copies and classics into a new book display cabinet I purchased at the weekend so it is a little less packed! I absolutely love the sound of your Lifeline Big Book Sale, sounds right up my alley. It is a great way to give back to the community and I too managed to connect with some fellow bookworms while attending my booksale. I really like the sound of the organisation of your Lifeline Big Book Sale, it helps as its overwhelming searching through all those books! That’s so great to hear they have lots of Australian rural books and new ones too – my favourite! Fingers crossed The Peppercorn Project is there, I loved it. My review should be going up next week.

      Thank you for your support and reading all my reviews. I’m so glad I’m helping add to your TBR list!
      My reading will probably slow as I go into a new school term, you may get a chance to catch up a little lol!

      Enjoy your Book Fair next weekend. Make sure you take some pics, I would love to see what you find!

      I am yet to read the first two Nicki Edwards books, did you enjoy them? I have them on those overfilled bookshelves but just haven’t got to them yet.I think I have a book collecting problem!

      Which Jodi Picoult books have you got/read/are your favourites? Small Great Things is due out in a few weeks time, I received an ARC copy from The Reading Room. I’m going to see Jodi Picoult when she comes to Perth in November. I can’t wait!


      1. Hi Amanda, I too recently bought a gorgeous bookshelf for all my rural romance books I’m collecting and other Aussie authors that are special to me.

        Haha, looking forward to catching up on my reading when things slow down a little for you. Enjoy the last bit of your school holidays! But before long you’ll have the christmas summer holidays to look forward to.

        Will definitely take pics. Once I’m home I stack them up and I click click. Lol.

        No one can have a bigger book collecting problem than me, my hubby is flabbergasted that I continue to keep buying books when there is literally no more room on my two bookshelves. I told him we can solve that problem by him building me another one!

        I loved the first two books by Nicki Edwards and can’t wait to read the third and fourth. I adored the storyline’s and the rural town they’re set in and how often do we get to read medical dramas! I only know of one other author writing rural medical dramas and that author is Meredith Appleyard.

        The two Jodi Piccoult books that I have on my shelf are: Sing you home and Harvesting the Heart. The ones I’ve read were really great – love reading anything controversial. They were Handle with Care and Vanishing acts. Out of curiosity sake I took a squiz at Goodreads reviews and can’t believe how many one and two stars they received. I give them both 5. I thought they were superb.
        Have you read many Jodi Piccoult books, Amanda? And has there been an outstanding one?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I love the idea of a spcial dedicated shelf to Aussie rural romance books and other aussie keepers. I would love to see a picture, it sounds gorgeous!

        Yes I know summer holidays will be upon us before we know it, just a ten week term to get through then hopefully lots of reading time. By then you should have caught up to me!

        Looking forward to the book sale pics too! Enjoy 🙂

        I agree my husband seems to echo yours. I also have no room but seem to be a compulsive book collector. My husband ranted a bit at me when we were sorting out my study/reading room and he attempted to move one of the double packed bookshelves. He said I have an addicition. It is a good one though!

        I am keen to get into some Nicki Edwards really soon. I love the sub genre of medical rural romance. Meredith Appleyard does this well. As does Charlotte Nash – have you read her books?

        I went through a bit of a phase with Jodi Picoult back in 2009/10 – just about the time I was pregnant with my first son and at home with him as a baby. The writing seemed to connect to me at that point in my life. I devoured The Pact, My sisters keeper, Plain Truth, Nine Minutes, The Tenth Circle, Change of Heart, Handle with Care. I took a break for awhile and returned to Picoult for my book club. We read the Storyteller, that was outstanding, it is still my favourite Jodi Picoult book. I also read Leaving Time last year and loved it too. It had a great twist! I don’t see how others can rate so lowly 😦 I don’t think I have read Vanishing Acts or Harvesting the Heart. I did read Sing You Home, it was good but not one of my favourites.

        Amanda x


    1. Hi Christina, thanks so much for taking the time to stop by. That is great news to hear you thought Small Great Things was fantastic. I have enjoyed most of Picoult’s books so to hear this one is good from another blogger is just great news. I am hoping to get to it this week before the release date 🙂
      Have a lovely week 🙂


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